The Syrian Baker

As producer for Farnham Maltings

With 5% of the world’s population on the move at any one time, desperate to get away from trouble, this is a story about two people deciding to go home despite the state of their country. Told with affection, irrepressible humour and bread - because without bread nothing happens – the Syrian Baker is about knowing where you belong, how small actions can make the biggest difference and about how much we all have in common. From the company that brought you Brilliance and The Iranian Feast, this is an evening in the company of friends with stories, freshly made bread, Syrian coffee and Mamoull like the ones from caffé plaza in Homs old town

Written by Kevin Dyer and directed by Gavin Stride, Artistic Director of Farnham Maltings, the piece opened at Farnham Maltings at the beginning of October before embarking on a tour to village halls in the south of England over autumn 2021, and will re-tour in Autumn 2022.

Winner of the Writer’s Guild of Great Britain Award for Best Play 2022

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